Free Ice Cream for Summer Solstice!

Emack & Bolio’s HK Limited

為慶祝今個夏日來臨,Emack & Bolio's 將免費送您單球雪糕!

於2017年6月21日(星期三)5:00pm - 7:00pm,親臨任何一間Emack & Bolio's 分店,只需出示於Facebook 或 Instagram上已"Follow" 或 "Like" Emack & Bolio's 香港專頁,便可獲贈自選口味單球杯裝或甜筒雪糕壹客!

Emack & Bolio's HK Limited 將保留最終決定權。

Free Ice Cream for Summer Solstice... celebrate the start of summer with a free scoop of your favourite Emack & Bolio’s ice cream!!! Just visit any of our stores between 5-7pm on Wednesday 21 June, and follow us on FB or IG.

Only one per customer, our decision is final.
